Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Effort: a vigorous or determined attempt.

Effort is a key component within anything an individual does.  Effort is something from within that an individual puts fourth when set out to achieve.  Effort is one factor that I believe many people lack. Everyone is always looking for things to be easy; reality is nothing worth talking about has been completed without great effort. Effort is amazing because I do not believe this is something you are born with; I believe this is something that takes time to be developed.  Effort comes from struggle, and adversity. When your back was against the wall and you had no other options, did you coward over or did you show effort and overcome what was in front of you. 

Imagine if you gave your best effort every time you set out to complete something. Think about the type of daughter/son/student/coworker/parent/sister/brother etc you would be. 

“Continuous effort- not strength or intelligence- is the key to unlocking our potential”
-Winston Churchill 

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