Relationship: the way in which two or more concepts,
objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
Relationships are extremely important and I challenge
everyone to form them ASAP. The beauties
of relationships are that you can have multiple ones with different levels of
importance. Think about the first job you received, my guess is that you had
some type of “Connection” or what I like to call a relationship. Why do jobs or
universities ask for recommendations? They want to hear it from someone who
knows you best, someone you have formed a relationship with because credentials
aren’t enough. In our generation it’s about WHO YOU KNOW, VERSUS WHAT YOU KNOW.
However, this is not always the case. The
importance of networking in our generation is vital, which is why many need to
get off social media and focus on public speaking. I see many of my fellow
classmates afraid to speak and give presentations in front of one another but
can write emails and send text better than anyone you know. It is a duty to
develop yourself as a complete package. Building a relationship is no different
from networking. Many do not want to complete this task because they are afraid
to step back and learn or that idea that they might mess up. Everyone wants it
to be easy!
The relationship I want to discuss is mentor to mentee. I
myself am 22 years old and have had several mentors since I was 13. But there
is only one individual who I would say has impacted my life significantly and
been there over the course of the 9 years. The man has truly taught me the
importance of relationships and mentorship. He himself is in his 30s and has a
mentor of his own, which illustrates that no one is old enough for a mentor! I
honestly feel everyone needs a mentor and if you look at the faces of success
in our country majority of them will tell you they would have never made it
without someone (aka a mentor). Many shy away from a mentor because they feel
the individual is there to “preach” or tell them how to live their life, which
is false. A mentor to mentee RELATIONSHIP can be a friendship, a commitment, a
role model, a family member, or whatever you want it to be. A mentor is there
to help and guide you the best way they can. I always wondered why my mentor(s)
reached out to me and not until recently has it ever made complete sense. These
individuals have a passion to give and help which I believe is contagious. They
simply passed it on to me and now I dedicate myself daily to helping and making
a difference. One thing I learned is that you cannot help everyone but you will
be able to touch one life. Mentorship and relationships are gifts that keep
giving. Do not be afraid of help and guidance. Surround yourself around those who may not be on the same path but are heading the same direction, build a relationship!
is to human relationships what faith is to gospel living. It is the beginning
place, the foundation upon which more can be built. Where trust is, love can
-Barbara Smith
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